Monday, June 15, 2015

Must Read : Five Reasons Not To Apply To A UK University

Five Reasons Not To Apply To A UK University
Culled from Nairaland

You have probably seen the adverts on newspapers and you thinking may be its time to go and study abroad, in the UK. However, before you take that huge leap, take a step back and evaluate your options. Having studied the system we have come up with the following reasons why studying in the UK is not as attractive as it is painted.

1. There are no Jobs
It is the dream of everyone going to study abroad to get to practice their skills in the environment where they have learned them. Unfortunately, however, for migrants coming to study in the UK, the chances of getting a job after completion of their study are very slim and there a few reasons for this. But most importantly is that there are simply no Jobs. The UK has an unemployment rate of about 6% and there are about 1 million UK citizens receiving job seekers allowance. So you see, jobs are difficult to come by.


2. Immigration Rules
The immigration rules in the UK are quite complex and sometimes even officials in the universities do not understand many of these rules as it is none of their business. The UK immigration system has been deliberately designed to deter migrants from coming into the country. Unlike in the past, the Tier 4 student Visa does not have enough time allowance for foreign students to apply for Jobs and attend interviews after the completion of their study. You would usually on get between 2-4 months to stay after handing-in you dissertation. This is usually not enough time. In addition, to be eligible for a job interview, the company must ensure that there is no suitable UK citizen for that job. This is almost always impossible except for few fields such as medicine and nursing.

3. Excessive Visa application fees and expensive tuition
Applying for a Tier 4 student Visa could be a nightmare. At present, it costs £322 (NGN 100000). 

This is excluding costs associated with planning, consulting and logistics. In addition, you have to have a “maintenance fund” in your bank account for 28 consecutive days at least 31 days before your Visa application. This includes a full year tuition fee which could be about £12000 (NGN 3.6 Million) and living expenses of about £10000 (NGN 3 Million). These are definitely not easy to come by, even by well to do UK Citizens. More recently, there has also been an addition of a “Health Surcharge” of about £150 pound (NGN 50000) a year and you don’t get a refund if during the year you do not use the health system.

In terms of Tuition fees, the average tuition fee for a non-UK citizen for most one-year courses is about £12000 (NGN 3.6 Million) which is about twice the amount a UK citizen pays for the same course.

uk prime minister

4. Discrimination
Although not overt, there is a subtle but palpable air of discrimination towards immigrants in the UK, more so in recent years where many people face financial hardships. Many UK citizens have been made to believe that immigrants are the cause of their difficulties, however many independent studies would disprove this. The truth however remains that many Britons would prefer that you stay back in your home country.

5. It is not worth the hassle
Considering the financial implications, job prospects and the shock associated with relocating, it is only wise to think and think again before taking that step towards coming to the UK to study. Even UK citizens with all the benefits they have being citizens do not find it easy coping with their own system.

UK universities make money off immigrants hence the widespread media campaigns and open days, however they do not influence policies in a positive way so as to make it a wise investment for young people hoping to break new ground. Therefore, before you take that step, think, “Would I be better-off investing the money and resources in other more fruitful ventures?”

This is not to discourage you. Many people come to the UK and settle in nicely, but you must weigh the pros against the cons before you take your decisions.

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